Privacy policy

SFI Media Privacy Policy

SFI Media is committed to protecting your privacy. When you give us personal information, we only use it for the purpose for which it was collected, and we treat it according to the policy laid out below.


This privacy policy covers SFI Media's treatment of personally identifiable information that we collect on our websites. It only applies to websites which SFI Media manages and controls, including:

Types and uses of personal information

When you subscribe to our newsletter, we require an email address in order to email you the newsletter. You can unsubscribe from future mailings at any time.

When you register on the website we require an email address and a password. In addition, you may choose to submit additional personal information for your forum profile, and you may choose what of this personal information gets displayed to the public. You may contact us at any time to have your profile removed.

When you submit a comment on one of our blogs, you may provide your name and website URL if you want to add a link back to your own site.

The SFI Media websites require cookies to function. We use Google Analytics cookies to track your activity this is used by us to gain information enhance your browsing experience on the SFI Media websites and will not be used by any third party or passed to any other company.

Information sharing

No information about your membership, subscriptions, nor any personally identifiable information we collect is shared outside the company.

Server logs

SFI Media uses server logs to ensure smooth operation of our services and for general site and application maintenance. Like almost all Internet servers, logged information may include timestamps, your client IP address (as it appears to the server), and the pages you visit. Our server logs will not be shared with any third party. We may however elect to publish aggregate statistics on visitor activity from time to time based on log information. We will never publish any personally identifiable information.

Links to other sites and user-contributed content

SFI Media's sites contain links to other websites which are not owned or controlled by SFI Media. This privacy policy only applies to SFI Media's websites, and we are not responsible for the privacy policies of other websites.

Similarly, while we moderate user contributions such as blog comments or forum posts on our sites, we are not responsible for such content and may not agree with the content of these comments or posts.


If you have any questions about SFI Media's privacy policy, please contact us.